
Monday, March 26, 2012

Trip to the Early Settlers tomorrow

Don't forget we are going on our class trip to the Settlers Museum tomorrow.
We are heading to Port Chalmers for a look around, then we are going to the Settlers Museum and they are opening it up just for us! Then we are driving to Cragieburn - what can  you find out about Cragieburn between now and when we go tomorrow?

Ms D

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

World Down Syndrome Day!

Room 7 celebrated Downs Syndrome awareness day today with a special morning tea.
It is held  on the 21st March (21.03) each year for a special reason - who can remember why?

See what else you can find out by visiting 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Wheels day

MUFTI DAY AND WHEELS DAY IS TOMORROW - $2 if you are 'wheeling'....who can tell me why this clipart is actually wrong to be using for the wheels days advertisement?

Open ended questions

Tell me one of your open ended questions that you have asked your parents for our ASPIRE warm up?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Swimming sports

A fantastic effort to everyone at swimming sports -
 My highlights were seeing (and hearing)
  •  Many Room 7 children in the finals
  • Loads of great teamwork in some of the non competitive races
  • The laughter and cheering on of all competitors
  • The special guests who participated in the relay final 

Camp photos

Hi team, 
Here are some camp photos - they are an awesome memory of our great three days away together! 

You can click on the slide show and get copies of these if your parents would like them! 
Ms D