
Monday, April 23, 2012

Term two

Welcome back everyone to Term 2, we have had a great start to the term beginning with our 20 minute run - an amazing effort everyone, I can't wait until next Monday when Mr Herden and I join in! remember next Monday you can bring an ipod to help you run if you want - remember though it gets locked away before and after running.
Your homework focus this week is all about ANZAC DAY and what it means to you - how many of you are going to the Dawn service? Do you think it is important that young people attend such ceremonies? I really look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.

Does anyone know where exactly this photo is taken and what is the importance behind it? Leave a comment
Have a great week and super well done for your fabulous ASPIRE findings.

Ms D

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Hi everyone,
So where are we up to with our ASPIRE? 
You should be sorting through some background information about your topic and finding out and thinking about - is this useful information or not?
Remember when sorting to not over highlight  - otherwise all you have is a page of information that is yellow!  Highlight only the words that hold the key to unlocking the information! 

Remember too that when you are re-jigging and sorting out your interview answers about how you are to rewrite them into paragraphs, we will go over this tomorrow if you are a little confuzzled! 
 and then we are ready to rock and roll and wrap it all up over the holidays ready to present! 

See you tomorrow!