
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tahu came to visit

What were your stories all about? Can you give me a synopsis?

Ms D


  1. I really enjoyed Tahu coming she was amazing

  2. Room 7 what a gorgeous class you are! Mr Cleland and I thought we couldn't get any happier after the arrival of our special wee son Luca - BUT then we popped up to the letter box and found an amazing card from Room 7! We just loved reading it! Thank you so much for all your kind words. We have it in a prime viewing location in Luca's room. Wishing you all a lovely last 3 weeks in Room 7! Be kind to each other!

  3. I had fun!
    Caitlin T

  4. I truly had such a good time! Tahu was awesome! :)
    and Ms Downie would I please be able to colour print at school? Thank you!

  5. Hey Ms Downie
    This is the address for that Christmas house, Concord Roy Cres 4. I went over to your house a couple of times but you weren't there so I just left it. I hope you had a great holiday and Milly said that dress looked really good on me. So thank you Mrs Lowden.

    Love from Tamara xoxo

  6. hi room 7 i know i just left you guys but have an awesome holidays because i am!
    from caitlin t

  7. Hey that's good Caitin Tucker, I hope you holidays are just amazing and you enjoy every second of them. We will have to catch up in the holidays. I will be pretty busy but I will make time for you! I have really enjoyed this year and I hope you have too. Have fun!!!

    Love from Tamara Amies XOxo

  8. Morning Romm 7, I hope you had a great sleep. It's nearly the end of the year :(. Ihope you all en joyed this year. Have a great holiday.

    Lovr from Tamara XOxo
