
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

More Marae

We are learning all about taiaha, poi, rakau & Maori games! Awesome. What was your highlight?


  1. my favourite part of the marie was playing everlotion but it was annoying when i went from cheif to the bottem. from edward.

  2. Kia Ora,
    What a great day- I enjoyed all of the activities from the poi making to the traditional games. Tino Pai!!!

  3. Kia ora,
    I thoroughly enjoyed today at Arai te Uru marae with Room 7. I liked meeting the teachers, children and parents from the other classes too. I liked doing the activities and watching all the children enjoying themselves, the whole day was awesome. If I had to pick my favourite part of the day it would have to be watching all the children play Evolution and how excited everyone got at the end to try and beat the record.
    Thank you Room 7 for a great day :-)
    Lesley Gillies.

  4. Today was so fun at the marae!
    It was really fun to visit a marae for the first time and i was so enjoying all the activities we did!
    Thank you to all the teachers and the parents that helped us with this!
    From Milan.
