
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Vrajesh you are famous!

I saw you on the news at the science fest!!

We are having a great time in Wellington & went to the zoo today! Great fun!

What are you all doing?


  1. my birthday tommorow good frost up here today '


  2. Hey Ms D,
    Looks like you are having an awesome time in Wellington! I remember going there when i was younger, it was soooo much fun!
    I went to the movies and saw Snow White and The Huntsman it was really cool!!!
    See you soon,

  3. Hey everybody
    i hope you are all have a really good holiday and it looks like you are having a wonderful holiday Ms Downie i hope the rest is just as fun
    lots of love Milly x

  4. Hey Ms Downie
    It looks like you are having a awesome time. I haven't been up to much i am leaving to go to Cromwell tomorrow. I am taking my little cousin Jaxon and my little sister Jane is coming to. I have been to the movies and i saw Brave. It was really good and i went with my cousin Bailey. Last Friday i went ice-skating with Rooma we had fun. I can't wait until school starts again. I hope everyone has a really good last week of holidays and i will see you all soon.

    Lots of love Tamara xx

  5. Hey guys
    I have reached Cromwell and we have just came back from the pool. I really hope everyone has had a really aesome holidays and i can't wait to see you all again.
    Bye bye.

    Love Tamara Xx
